+48 881 087 791
Pon. - Pt.: 8:00 - 17:00
The safe consistency makes it ideal for clients with sensitive eyes and allergy sufferers. It does not get into the eyes. It can be applied in a lying position. The product is intended for professional use.
How to remove eyelashes?
First, clean your eyelashes thoroughly with ILM foam shampoo and apply eye patches.
The product should be applied to the eyelashes at a distance of 1 mm from the roots and spread using a microbrush or velvet applicators.
After applying the remover to your eyelashes, wait about 5-10 minutes.
After a certain time, remove the eyelashes with tweezers, gently pulling the ends of the eyelashes.
You can also use applicators.
After removing all the eyelashes, remember to clean the natural eyelashes of the remnants of the remover (dry) and only then wash the eyelashes again with shampoo.