Understanding and Solving the Problem of Retention when Styling Eyelashes

Understanding and Solving the Problem of Retention when Styling Eyelashes

Eyelash styling can work wonders, giving the look clarity and intensity. However, have you noticed that your eyelashes don't last as long as they should? The problem of retention, i.e. maintaining the effect of eyelash styling, is a common challenge that can affect satisfaction with the procedure. Therefore, in this post, we will discuss how to solve the problem of eyelash retention.

1. Understanding the Eyelash Growth Cycle:

The first step in dealing with the problem of retention is to understand the natural growth cycle of eyelashes. Eyelashes, like the hair on our head, go through phases of growth, rest and falling out. Therefore, it is natural that even the most carefully applied eyelashes will fall off over time. Knowledge on this subject will allow for proper planning and maintenance of the effect.

2. Correct Application:

The most important factor affecting the retention of eyelashes is the correct application. This includes the proper selection of eyelashes, the correct preparation of natural eyelashes, the correct choice and use of glue, and the precise application of extensions. We recommend using the services of an experienced stylist and using high-quality products available in our online store.

3. After Treatment Care:

Proper post-treatment care is equally important. Avoid contact with water for the first 24-48 hours after application, regularly clean your eyelashes with a specialist make-up remover, do not rub your eyes, avoid evaporation (sauna, hot shower) and use an appropriate serum for eyelash care.

4. Health and Lifestyle:

Healthy eyelashes are the basis for a long-term effect. A healthy diet, adequate hydration and no harmful habits, such as smoking, translate into better retention. In addition, some medications, stress or hormonal changes can affect the growth cycle of eyelashes and their health, and thus - retention.


Lash retention is a complex issue that requires both knowledge and proper practice. In our online store you will find everything you need for eyelash care and styling to enjoy a beautiful and lasting effect. Remember that the right approach and attention to detail is the key to success in maintaining the effect of eyelash styling.

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